Monday 5 June 2017


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World Environment Day (WED) is a campaign celebrated every year by the people worldwide on 5th of June. This campaign was established to raise the global awareness among people about the environmental issues as well as take positive environmental actions. It is handled by the United Nations Environment Programme and was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972. It is a day to especially focus on the current environmental conditions to make environment better. It is celebrated by the people in more than 100 countries. It is the day when public and politicians get stimulated through awareness programs regarding environment to enhance the political attention as well as public actions. This day was created to promote people to work for environmental issues and become active agents of the sustainable and eco-friendly development worldwide.

On this World Environment Day 5th June, 2017, let us all, as individuals, Pause and Think! Pause, because it provides a break from what we are engaged with, at a given moment. It takes your mind away from the routine, and the thinking attached with it. It provides an opportunity for a fresh look. And fresh look is what we need to have on the practices we all follow as individuals that impact our environment negatively, and become aware of how can we adopt practices that are sustainable for the environment.
Do you fall in the category of those who are high on the list of contributors to environmental degradation? The answer by most of us might be a “no”, with a routine thinking mind. But, if we actually analyse our actions we might find that the reality is quite different! We should not just stop the environmental degradation, but promote its conservation, and above all, work towards its restoration. Are we really doing our bit, as an individual or just satisfying ourselves that we are?
Four of the biggest challenges that we face are:
  1. Climate change
  2. Pollution of air and water resources
  3. Deforestation
  4. Water scarcity.
So how we, as individuals, can contribute to environmental protection and restoration? Obviously by following practices which are environmentally friendly.
In my last blog I had mentioned about seed bombing an initiative by ffroge headed by Mr. VIKAS MAHAJAN. I would like to thank him for introducing me to this unique and simple way of contributing to the environment. For over 3 weeks I collected seeds of  fruits like Lychee,Sweet-lime,Watermelon,Melon,Lemon etc with the help of my mother and my neighbours.
I would like to specially thank aunty  Rashmi Paharia for her dedication and contribution of seeds.
On 4th June Vikas uncle organised a seed bombing workshop at the Mahalaxmi Racecourse which included a session on seed bomb making. I was unable to attend the session due to my on going IGCSE board examinations but I send my seeds to Nehal Aunty through my Mom whom I cannot thank enough for her constant support and encouragement. My Mom learned and made some seed bombs and I plan to make them after my exams.

Congratulations !!!  Vikas Uncle for being covered by Bombay Times on  WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY and inspiring younsters like me.... Looking forward to hold or attend a seed bombing workshop with your help and guidance. THANK YOU.

Image may contain: 3 people


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much Rajvansh. I am so proud of you. Keep motivating and inspiring people with your work towards nature. Best wishes and loads of blessings :)
