Friday 23 November 2018

"Endangered Dream" - E- Happiness #Satisfaction Guaranteed !!!

 “If you dream, you can make it a reality" 


E Happiness Is…
(Endangered) Happiness is different for everybody, or it is better to say that every person has his own level of happiness. Somebody feels happy, when he buys a new pair of shoes, while the others are happy over having an opportunity to see the shinning sun. Happiness can be defined as a combination of various feelings, which make you feel satisfied with your life, your place in society, your work, and all the aspects, which your everyday life consists of.There is some good news for those, who are sure that their lives are deprived of happiness or its actual level doesn’t correspond to their dreams.
Little did I know how a small act of adopting rare species with the profits garnered with the sales of my areca products is going to embark me on a sense of feeling so satisfied and happy in my life !!!!!
Could you imagine a world without tigers, the turtles, or the birds? What a paler place it would be. Astonishing amounts of animals are considered critically endangered and near extinction. If we would like these animals to be around for future generations, we cannot hesitate in our efforts to help them. Shouldn't more be done to protect and preserve endangered animals? 
Being a member of BNHS & ever since my primary years I had a dream to save the endangered species and today here I stand fulfilling it by adopting 3 endangered species. My choice of endangered species points out to the very fact that our animals and birds weather on land, in water or air are not safe.    
 1) The Great Indian Bustard : 

The bird that could have become India's national bird but for that spelling!

The bustard is critically endangered in Pakistan primarily due to lack of protection and rampant hunting. A few birds were detected in a September 2013 survey of the Cholistan Desert in Pakistan.Ecosystems such as forests and the marine environment provide us with food, medicines and important raw materials. They keep the climate stable, oxygenate air and transform pollutants into nutrients. Birds play an important role in the effective functioning of these systems and hence we need to save them.
2) The Bengal Tiger :
Save tiger otherwise you will lose the pride!
Today, due to habitat loss caused by deforestation, and hunting by human poachers, the Bengal tiger is considered to be an endangered species. Despite being the most common of all the tiger species, there are thought to be around 2,000 Bengal tigers left in the wild. The tiger is a unique animal which plays a pivotal role in the health and diversity of an ecosystem. It is a top predator which is at the apex of the food chain and keeps the population of wild ungulates in check, thereby maintaining the balance between prey herbivores and the vegetation upon which they feed.
3) Hawksbill Sea Turtle :
"Slow and steady wins the race"
Named for its narrow head and sharp, bird-like beak, hawksbills can reach into cracks and crevices of coral reefs looking for food.
The hawksbill sea turtle is a critically endangered sea turtle belonging to the family Cheloniidae. Like many sea turtles, hawksbills are a critically endangered species due mostly to human impact.
Hawksbill eggs are still eaten around the world despite the turtle's international protected status, and they are often killed for their flesh and their stunning shells. The greatest threat to hawksbill sea turtle is the harvesting for their prized shell, often referred to as “tortoise shell.” In some countries the shell is still used to make hair ornaments, jewelry, and other decorative items.Listed as Critically Endangered (facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild in the immediate future) by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources.
Sea turtles — even at diminished population levels — play an important role in ocean ecosystems. When green sea turtles graze, they increase the productivity and nutrient content of seagrass blades. Hawksbills allow other species, such as coral, to colonize and grow by removing sponges from reefs.
We all know that there are many endangered species throughout the world. The word ‘endangered’ means that these species are at a high risk of becoming extinct if no steps are taken to protect to protect and restore their habitats. A number of these species are at a risk of extinction and are being threatened by industrialization, overhunting, or reckless population management practices. Most of these species get killed due to the fur or oil they produce or as a food source.

There are number of organizations like BNHS that are doing their part to protect disappearing wildlife and last remaining wild places. Their mission is to find solutions that save the marvelous array of life on our planet by applying the best science available and working closely with local communities.
We certainly want to do our part to keep them from going extinct in order to  But you are just one person, so there is not anything you can do, right? Wrong. There are a number of things that you can do in order to make a positive impact on this wildlife. Being a responsible citizen, you should act on behalf of threatened and endangered wildlife – animals, fish, plants, and insects – and the wild places they call home.



Wednesday 15 August 2018

# Bag for Cause - Initiative to Empower Underprivileged Women


Go Plastic FREE, Save Nature, Empower Women

I am passionate about giving back to society and making a difference. One of my principles in life is to make positive impacts in this world in my lifetime. I was inspired by an article about how life is like a candle that will ultimately burn to ashes, but the only difference between the candles is the legacy one leaves behind. Thus, I set my mind to live my life meaningfully by helping people whenever I can.

I strongly believe in “Giving is not just about making a donation, it is about making a difference” which is evident through my initiative #Bag for Cause in lieu of plastic ban in Maharashtra, idea was to recycle old clothes and empower women for daily livelihood. #Bag for Cause is about saving environment along with empowering needy women. I collected old saris, dupattas,shirts,rough cloth and old clothes from family and friends and gave them to the women to stitch for Rs 20/bag. I thank each and everyone who support me in my initiative which has encouraged me to continue to create employment for the underprivileged women.  

 I appreciate how helping others could be so enjoyable, as I realized that I also have the power to make a change. The fact that people can benefit from my help is not the only reason why I like volunteering. Helping those in need also serves as a reminder for myself to live with gratitude, which is important as it enables us to be optimistic and feel contented with life. Moreover, I believe that giving and receiving is an invisible cycle. As long as I have the ability, I wish to be the one starting a cycle of kindness, helping many others along this cycle. Hence, knowing that helping people and giving back to the society is beneficial to both myself and others, it is something that I am very passionate about.

Thursday 22 March 2018


Mumbai Plastic Free ! Wow a dream come true for me !!! I was thrilled after reading this article yesterday in the newspaper and felt a sense of achievement by advocating people to preserve the nature by confronting environmental abuse and championing environmentally responsible solutions.I urge my family and friends to help the government to be successful in this endeavor by supporting them by educating all around us who will be unhappy with the ban.Lets work for solutions rather than looking at the problems created by the ban. Kindly discourage any kind of ridicule or disparage for the government in your socializing or get together 🙏  A genuine effort will go a long way !        Let’s make Mumbai Plastic Free- 

Rgds, Rajvansh Rungta.      


Inspired by “Milo Cress” I am proud to launch this campaign “Refuse the Straw”. Giving up plastic straws is a small step, and an easy thing for people to get started on. I urge all my family and friends to help me in this mission to make it a straw free Mumbai and then we move on to India 🇮🇳. 
 So Pledge to be Straw Free          
1) Ask for no Straw when eating out or on the go.Did our ancestors or great grand parents ever used Straw ??? Think 🤔.                     
 2) Choose reusable straws when you or a guest needs one . It’s available on Amazon.    
3) Encourage others to go strawless.                                       
4) Each one Reach one. Each person invites one restaurant to consider offering straws to customers instead of serving a Straw with each drink automatically. It’s very simple n effective! So let’s tell them    

 Last but not the least I would like to hear back from you on this .. visit my blog and read my article Be Straw Free & COMMENT-- 

Thanks and Regards,


Friday 9 March 2018


I was reading this article in Times of India dated 5/3/2018  "BAN STRAWS" by Daniel Victor and suddenly there was an ardelaine rush which promptly inspired me to research on the topic and be a part of the movement to spread awareness. I researched on the campaign and found that :

It started so innocently. A kid ordered a soda in a restaurant.
“It came with a plastic straw in it,” Milo Cress recalled. He glared at the straw for a while. “It seemed like such a waste.”
Not only did Cress yank the plastic from his drink, but he also launched a campaign, “Be Straw Free,” targeting all straws as needless pollution. He knocked on the doors of restaurants in Burlington, Vt., where he lived at the time, and asked managers not to offer straws unless patrons asked. He was 9 years old.
Today Cress, 15, is one of the faces of a growing movement to eliminate plastic straws. They have been found wedged in the nose of a sea turtle, littering the stomachs of countless dead marine animals and scattered across beaches with tons of other plastics.
Why single out pollution as small and slim as a drinking straw?
Straws are among the most common plastic items volunteers clean from beaches, along with bottles, bags and cups, conservationists say. Americans use half a billion straws every day, at least according to an estimate by Be Straw Free, based on information from straw manufacturers. That many straws could wrap around the Earth 2½ times.
The slightest wind lifts plastic straws from dinner tables, picnic blankets and trash dumps, depositing them far and wide, including in rivers and oceans, where animals often mistake them for food.
And they are ubiquitous. Nearly every chain restaurant and coffee shop offers straws. They’re in just about every movie theater and sit-down restaurant. Theme parks and corner stores and ice cream shops and school cafeterias freely hand them out. DO WE REALLY NEED ONE ???
But they are starting to disappear because of the awareness campaign Cress and dozens of conservation groups are waging. Walt Disney World’s Animal Kingdom bans them, as do the food concession areas of Smithsonian Institution museums.
Keith Christman, a managing director for plastics markets at the American Chemistry Council, which promotes plastics manufacturers and fights attempts to ban plastic, said in a National Geographic article two months ago that the group would do the same for attempts to eliminate plastic straws.
The movement was growing at a slow, steady pace when Cress joined it six years ago, but it exploded after a YouTube video of a sea turtle with a straw stuck in its nose went viral in 2015. The cringe-inducing effort to pull the plastic out of a bloody nostril outraged viewers — 11.8 million so far.
Cress has launched a website on the issue, partnered with several organizations that support the cause and testified against straws in the Vermont legislature. Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper (D) cited Cress’s activism in a 2013 proclamation that made July 11 a straw-free day in the state. The Plastic Pollution Coalition estimates that 1,800 “restaurants, organizations, institutions and schools worldwide have gotten rid of plastic straws or implemented a serve-straws-upon-request policy,” said Jackie Nunez, founder of a group called the Last Plastic Straw.
Its our turn now ....
SO LETS ......

Image result for quote on inspiration and motivation

I request all my family and friends to be a part of this campaign and help me take to a level where we can together make a difference. 

Join MILO in reducing waste by taking the pledge to go strawless or adopting an "Offer First" policy at your restaurant or business. Get the whole community involved and follow Milo's lead: 
"One person can make a difference for our environment !"
As a consumer
As a business or restaurant
As a community

Commit to ask for your drinks "strawless" when eating out or on the go. 
Keep reusable straws at home to offer house guests who prefer or need to use a straw. Find great reusable straws for purchase
Reach out to at least one restaurant or business in your community about the Be Straw Free campaign. Together we all make a difference.
Mayor Hancock encourages all Denver restaurants to adopt Milo's offer first straw policy.
Adopt an Offer First policy, a best practice of the National Restaurant Association, by asking customers if they would like a straw with their drink, rather than providing one by default
Proclaim your community straw free by adopting an offer first policy. 
Organizations & Clubs 
Reach out to all the restaurants or businesses in your community about the Be Straw Free campaign through Each One, Reach One.



Saturday 24 February 2018


I Rajvansh Rungta have to admit I am overjoyed by your recent generosity.  I suppose the word is “gratified.” I’am gratified that you believe in my work enough to give me a grant. Thank you for your trust in me. I’am sure this will go a long way to make my country a better place to live.Thank you for renewing your support and your generous grants for my Behtar India  Campaign which has gained me a certificate of Achievement.I sincerely thank my school Aditya Birla World Academy for giving me this oppurtunity to help save the environment.