Wednesday 15 August 2018

# Bag for Cause - Initiative to Empower Underprivileged Women


Go Plastic FREE, Save Nature, Empower Women

I am passionate about giving back to society and making a difference. One of my principles in life is to make positive impacts in this world in my lifetime. I was inspired by an article about how life is like a candle that will ultimately burn to ashes, but the only difference between the candles is the legacy one leaves behind. Thus, I set my mind to live my life meaningfully by helping people whenever I can.

I strongly believe in “Giving is not just about making a donation, it is about making a difference” which is evident through my initiative #Bag for Cause in lieu of plastic ban in Maharashtra, idea was to recycle old clothes and empower women for daily livelihood. #Bag for Cause is about saving environment along with empowering needy women. I collected old saris, dupattas,shirts,rough cloth and old clothes from family and friends and gave them to the women to stitch for Rs 20/bag. I thank each and everyone who support me in my initiative which has encouraged me to continue to create employment for the underprivileged women.  

 I appreciate how helping others could be so enjoyable, as I realized that I also have the power to make a change. The fact that people can benefit from my help is not the only reason why I like volunteering. Helping those in need also serves as a reminder for myself to live with gratitude, which is important as it enables us to be optimistic and feel contented with life. Moreover, I believe that giving and receiving is an invisible cycle. As long as I have the ability, I wish to be the one starting a cycle of kindness, helping many others along this cycle. Hence, knowing that helping people and giving back to the society is beneficial to both myself and others, it is something that I am very passionate about.


  1. Its nice that you have such noble thought.Other students should take inspiration from you.Well done!
    Keep it up!

  2. Well thought. Persistence and dedication will bring difference and add meaning to life of many. Best Wishes.

  3. Noble thought and work.keep up the good work,I appreciate the purpose of empowering women and the eco friendly nature of the product.very proud of you RAJVANSH.
